Case Study: Innovation Forums

Case Study: Innovation Forums

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A national account manager at a Fortune 100 company was looking for new ways to fuel growth in his telecommunications account. To “think outside of the box” he needed access to his company’s distinguished engineering community, the organization’s top executive technical talent that was located worldwide. These were the people who had achieved the highest technical level possible in the company. These executives interacted with the firm’s largest customers to solve their thorniest technical problems. But gaining simultaneous access to this elite group was extremely difficult, given the demands on the executives’ time.


Solution – Enter GoWall


The national account manager used GoWall to structure a series of 90-minute innovation forums with this elite group of globally distributed technical executives. The groups met every six weeks over a six-month period. Here’s how the meetings worked:

Presentation: The account manager presented a problem or goal for technical consideration.
Brainstorm: Executives used GoWall to capture their feedback in response to the articulated challenges.
Focused Discussion: The account manager reviewed the feedback in real time and prioritized the topics for discussion in the meeting time remaining. This minimized off-topic conversations.
Real Time Feedback: The account manager distributed Excel-formatted meeting notes immediately using GoWall’s one-click export feature.



The national account manager gained access to the organization’s top technical talent and garnered the strategic ideas he needed to grow his account. Using GoWall’s virtual post-it note technology, he gathered extensive feedback—often hundreds of inputs—in a very brief period and without an exhausting amount of effort. From this wealth of insight, he was able to greatly improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue from his account.


By the Numbers

Here’s a metrics snapshot from just one of the innovation forums using GoWall: